Aleksey Fedorov’s Research Team Develops “Digital Twin” for Managing Quantum Systems

17 мая 2024 16:30

A team of Russian physicists led by Deputy Chair of the Vyzov Prize Scientific Committee Aleksey Fedorov has developed a “digital twin” based on tensor networks. Their research results were published in Physical Review Research.

Aleksey Fedorov oversaw this effort as Head of the Research Group at the Russian Quantum Center and Head of the College of Physics and Quantum Engineering with the University of Science and Technology (MISIS).

The advance of computer technologies brings about increasingly complex tasks that require ever more sophisticated tools to solve them. Quantum computers are actively employed in handling tasks that involve a multitude of parameters, such as modeling large molecules or chemical reactions, but even their capabilities have their limits. A synergy between machine learning and quantum technologies will enable the creation of a more efficient, multipurpose computing tool capable of taking on an even wider range of tasks. That is what Aleksey Fedorov’s research team is working on: a “digital twin” that will help computer systems produce the best solutions while using up less capacity. Instead of systems with several million states to analyze, all it would take is compact representations with a few hundred parameters.

“Building increasingly sophisticated quantum devices requires new, efficient control methods for managing them, and devising those new techniques is becoming one of the central tasks in quantum technologies. This is especially relevant for building more advanced quantum computers and simulators. As part of implementing Rosatom’s Roadmap for the development of quantum computing, our research team at the RQC and MISIS, as well as our colleagues at the Lebedev Physical Institute are actively involved in developing control methods for quantum systems, which should enable us to use their computing power efficiently for solving prototypes of real-world tasks,” Aleksey Fedorov said in his comments.

Quantum technology research may start changing the world within the next few years. One of the Vyzov Prize awards in 2023 went to Ilya Semerikov, Deputy Head of a research group at the RQC and Researcher with the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, for creating a trapped-ion quantum processor based on qudites (multilevel quantum systems) and demonstrating quantum algorithms.

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